
Thursday, May 16, 2013

News: Fighter's Road 2013 & Vanguard Fight High School 2013 Summer Regional Tournament Results

This morning the results for Japan's ongoing national championship went public, following up Doctor O's reports from earlier in the week. These were the first official tournaments to take place following the introduction of the May 11th restricted list, and as a result Dragonic Overlord The End was projected to be a major contender in the tournament environment. However, with exception made for the recently-released Blockade Inferno, Japanese cardfighters seem to have eradicated crossrides as a useful mechanic in their singles format, as in spite of the restricted list Descendant has once again taken both first and second place in the Open division. The previously-mentioned exception comes from Blockade Inferno's introduction to professional play, as Haryuu Jin'ichi's Inferno deck took the Juniors by storm, surpassing Sato Yuushin's Liberator build to become a standout among the decks featured today.

In VFHS news, the Sendai regional team is getting attention for its forward cardfighter using a Spike Brothers variant relying on Jelly Beans. The deck runs an excessive number of grade 3s, but because of the search skill of its key card, it can pick out any unit with "Dudley" in its name and add it directly to the hand, bypassing gradelock entirely. Although not currently possible in the English format, on the Japanese side of the Pacific the Spike Brothers' access to the grade 2 Dudley Mason for his field setup gives it powerful consistency. With regard to VFHS decklists, note that there are two teams from each event but neither of them are the runner-up; VFHS is divided into Open and Student-only divisions this year.

For the duration of FR2013, the Senior Class division of tournaments has been retired in favor of a new division, Open Class. Under the new model, only elementary students and younger may participate in the Juniors' division, while anyone can participate in the Open division. Previously, Junior cardfighters could not take part in adult competitions, but with many past prodigies now able to tackle the higher brackets, existing professionals and rising stars alike have reason to be nervous from the heavier competition.

As with the Asia Circuit Memorial Tournament, Doctor O is selecting decks from the finalists that did not make it to first or second place to be featured.

Open Class Regional Tournament
Regional Champion: Nanakado Yuusuke/七角悠介
Grade 0

x1 Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu (FVG)
x4 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
x4 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x4 Demonic Dragon Eradicator, Seiobo HT
x4 Eradicator of the Divine Spear, Castor CT
Grade 1
x2 Rising Phoenix
x2 Eradicator of the Ceremonial Bonfire, Castor
x4 Eradicator, Wyvern Guard Guld
x4 Eradicator, Demolition Dragon
x3 Iron Blood Eradicator, Shuki
Grade 2
x3 Storm Bring Dragon
x4 Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon
x1 Dragonic Deathscythe
x3 Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-Ou
Grade 3
x2 Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
x4 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
x1 Eradicator, Vowing Sword Dragon

Runner-up: Ishida Akihiro/石田晃浩
Grade 0

x1 Spark Kid Dragoon (FVG)
x2 Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x2 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
x4 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x4 Demonic Dragon Eradicator, Seiobo HT
x4 Eradicator of the Divine Spear, Castor CT
Grade 1
x3 Rising Phoenix
x4 Eradicator, Wyvern Guard Guld
x4 Eradicator, Demolition Dragon
x4 Iron Blood Eradicator, Shuki
Grade 2
x4 Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon
x2 Dragonic Deathscythe
x4 Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-Ou
Grade 3
x2 Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
x3 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
x3 Eradicator, Sweep Command Dragon

Doctor O's Pick: Haryuu Shino/針生凌
Grade 0
x1 Black Dragon Whelp, Vortimer (FVG)
x4 Elixir Liberator HT
x4 Flame of Victory CT
x1 Strike Liberator CT
x3 Liberator of Hope, Epona CT
x4 Falcon Knight of the Azure DT
Grade 1
x3 Knight of Elegant Skills, Gareth
x3 Blessing Owl
x4 Halo Shield, Mark
x4 Scout of Darkness, Vortimer
Grade 2
x2 Blaster Dark Spirit
x1 Knight of Superior Skills, Beaumains
x1 Liberator of Silence, Gallatin
x4 Player of the Holy Bow, Viviane
x4 Black Dragon Knight, Vortimer
Grade 3
x4 Spectral Duke Dragon
x3 Solitary Liberator, Gancelot

Junior Class Regional Tournament
Regional Champion: Haryuu Jin'ichi/針生仁壱
Grade 0
x1 Red Pulse Dracokid (FVG)
x4 Seal Dragon, Biera CT
x4 Seal Dragon, Dobi ST
x4 Seal Dragon, Shading HT
x4 Seal Dragon, Artpitch DT
Grade 1
x3 Seal Dragon, Chambray
x3 Seal Dragon, Rinocross
x4 Seal Dragon, Kersey
x4 Seal Dragon, Flannel
Grade 2

x3 Seal Dragon, Corduroy
x4 Seal Dragon, Jakado
x4 Seal Dragon, Hungerhell Dragon
Grade 3
x1 Dauntless Drive Dragon
x4 Seal Dragon, Blockade
x3 Hellfire Seal Dragon, Blockade Inferno

Runner-up: Sato Yuushin/佐藤湧真
Grade 0
x1 Wingal Liberator (FVG)
x4 Liberator of Hope, Epona CT
x4 Strike Liberator CT
x4 Weapons Liberator, Gwydion DT
x4 Elixir Liberator HT
Grade 1
x1 Curved Blade Liberator, Josephus
x1 Liberator, Flare Mane Stallion
x2 Liberator of the Future, Llew
x4 Little Liberator, Marron
x4 Halo Liberator, Mark
x4 Bomergal the Liberator
Grade 2
x3 Blaster Blade Liberator
x3 Liberator of Silence, Gallatin
x3 Liberator of Royalty, Phallon
x2 Liberator of the Flute, Escrad
Grade 3
x4 Liberator of the Round Table, Alfred
x2 Solitary Liberator, Gancelot
x2 Wild Dancing Liberator, Mailshion
x1 Goshawk Liberator, Cadeau

Doctor O's Pick: Motoki Takashi/元木崇
Grade 0
x1 Aiming for the Stars, Artemis (FVG)
x4 Bandit Danny DT
x4 Battle Maiden, Kukurihime CT
x4 Cyber Tiger CT
x4 Large Pot Witch, Laurie
Grade 1
x4 Bowstring of Heaven and Earth, Artemis
x3 Battle Maiden, Tatsutahime
x2 Mice Guard, Sirius
x2 Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada
x1 Snipe Snake
x1 Witch of Cats, Cumin
Grade 2
x4 Twilight Hunter, Artemis
x4 Battle Maiden, Saohime
x2 Mice Guard, Orion
x2 Witch of Owls, Paprika
x1 Clever Jake
Grade 3
x2 Eternal Goddess, Iwanagahime
x2 Battle Deity of the Night, Artemis
x1 Oracle Queen, Himiko
x2 Witch of Wolves, Saffron

Vanguard Fight High School 2013 Summer, Open Class Sendai Regional Tournament Championship Team
Katou Hirohisa/加藤寛久
Grade 0
x1 Mecha Trainer (FVG)
x4 Sonic Breaker CT
x4 Silence Joker CT
x4 Cheerful Lynx DT
x4 Cheer Girl, Tiara HT
Grade 1
x4 Wonder Boy
x3 Cheer Girl, Marylin
x3 Dudley Daisy
x2 Reckless Express
x1 UFO
Grade 2

x4 Highspeed Brakki
x4 Dudley Mason
x1 Devil Summoner
Grade 3
x3 Demonic Lord, Dudley Emperor
x4 Bad End Dragger
x2 Juggernaut Maximum
x2 Jelly Beans

Masaki Takashi/正木隆志
Grade 0
x1 Spring Breeze Messenger (FVG)
x4 Liberator of Hope, Epona CT
x4 Strike Liberator CT
x4 Weapons Liberator, Gwydion DT
x4 Elixir Liberator HT
Grade 1
x4 Curved Blade Liberator, Josephus
x1 Liberator, Flare Mane Stallion
x1 Liberator of the Future, Llew
x4 Little Liberator, Marron
x4 Halo Liberator, Mark
Grade 2
x4 Blaster Blade Liberator
x4 Liberator of Royalty, Phallon
x4 Liberator of the Flute, Escrad
Grade 3
x4 Liberator of the Round Table, Alfred
x3 Solitary Liberator, Gancelot

Kikuji Toshiyuki/菊地俊志
Grade 0
x1 Spark Kid Dragoon (FVG)
x4 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
x4 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x4 Demonic Dragon Eradicator, Seiobo HT
x4 Eradicator of the Divine Spear, Castor CT
Grade 1
x4 Eradicator, Wyvern Guard Guld
x4 Eradicator, Demolition Dragon
x2 Iron Blood Eradicator, Shuki
x4 Eradicator of the Ceremonial Bonfire, Castor
Grade 2
x4 Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon
x2 Dragonic Deathscythe
x4 Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-Ou
x2 Eradicator, Thunder Boom Dragon
Grade 3
x2 Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
x2 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
x3 Eradicator, Sweep Command Dragon

Vanguard Fight High School 2013 Summer, Student-only Class Sendai Regional Tournament Championship Team
Hajime Shun'ya/原駿矢
Grade 0
x1 Little Witch, LuLu (FVG)
x4 Oracle Guardian, Nike CT
x4 Psychic Bird CT
x4 Battle Sister, Ginger CT
x4 Lozenge Magus HT
Grade 1
x4 Oracle Guardian, Gemini
x4 Battle Sister, Chocolat
x3 Dark Cat
x2 Battle Sister, Omelet
x1 Circle Magus
Grade 2
x4 Battle Sister, Mocha
x2 Oracle Guardian, Wiseman
x1 Battle Sister, Tart
x3 Silent Tom
x1 Battle Sister, Macaron
Grade 3
x4 Battle Sister, Cookie
x4 Scarlet Witch, CoCo

Ishiyama Masaki/石山正起
Grade 0
x1 Lizard Soldier, Conroe (FVG)
x2 Gatling Claw Dragon DT
x2 Embodiment of Spear, Tahr CT
x3 Seal Dragon, Artpitch DT
x4 Dragon Monk, Genjo HT
x1 Seal Dragon, Biera CT
x4 Demonic Dragon Mage, Raksha
Grade 1
x4 Embodiment of Armor, Bahr
x3 Seal Dragon, Kersey
x4 Wyvern Guard, Barri
x3 Dragon Monk, Gojo
Grade 2

x2 Dragon Knight, Nehalem
x3 Cross Shot, Garp
x4 Burning Horn Dragon
x2 Berserk Dragon
Grade 3

x4 Dragonic Overlord The End
x4 Dragonic Overlord

Ishiyama Shunto/石山舜登
Grade 0
x1 Crimson Lion Cub, Kyrph
x4 Silent Punisher CT
x4 Flame of Victory CT
x4 Dantengal CT
x4 Elixir Liberator HT
Grade 1
x4 Halo Shield, Mark
x4 Knight of Elegant Skills, Gareth
x2 Warhorse, Raging Storm
x2 Disciple of Pain
x2 Silver Fang Witch
Grade 2
x4 Knight of Superior Skills, Beaumains
x4 Knight of Passion, Bagdemagus
x3 Player of the Holy Bow, Viviane
Grade 3
x4 Blazing Lion, Platina Ezel
x4 Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel