The number of Reverse fighters has been consistently low for the first two months of Team League 2014, but the Invading side of the tournament may be in for a turnaround with the release of VG-BT13:
Catastrophic Outbreak. Coming on the heels of a string of Cray Defender victories in Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Paris, Germany and New York, Sweden's regional qualifier marks the first major steal for the Reversed cardfighters. While according to Bushiroad's figures at Paris and New York the Invaders only accounted for 7.7% and 20.5% of the total participants, the flood of new Reverse cards introduced by
Catastrophic Outbreak and the rise of Chaos Breaker Dragon as the Invaders' new flagship deck has given them a small foothold in both slots of Sweden's top 2. Along with Team SKET from second place at the Paris qualifier, Sweden's teams account for Void's only presence in the Team League, with all three teams being concentrated in the European branch of League 2014.
The respective teams are reported by our source to be composed of Leo-pald “Я,” Link Joker and Ethics Buster “Я” fighters for first place, and Amon “Я,” Link Joker and Luquier “Я” fighters for second. Meanwhile we've also received the decklists from the
May BeNeLux tournament, provided below under
[MBNL] First place in the tournament went to Ozan Fincan with Chaos Breaker Dragon, while second went to Daniel Gaillard with Dragonic Descendant. Both decks were noticeably heavy on their grade 2 counts, emphasizing the forms of fast aggression, field control and power gain that have proven to be exemplary qualities of the format.
In Japanese news the Nagoya regional qualifier for Fighter's Road 2014 finished up on the 11th, with first place going to a Dragonic Nouvelle Vague cardfighter and second to one running the new Narukami Brawler subclan. Third and fourth place went to Sacred Regalia and Bermuda Triangle fighters, with the remaining half of the top 8 being unsorted as Musketeer, Pale Moon, Liberator and Glendios cardfighters. The Brawlers' success coincides with their widespread adoption in the unofficial Vanguard Championships; the second Sapporo and first Hokusetsu team tournaments saw both Brawlers and the new Royal Paladin Seekers make spots in the top 4. Sapporo's first place team was led by Nouvelle Vague cardfighter Dasukuro, and was captained by Northern Jewel's Omega Glendios build, in keeping with
the progression of professional play since
Infinite Rebirth's release.
Brawler, Shotgun Blow Dragon. |
The team's midfighter valdy (
sic), brought a Brawler deck that focused on the Legion skills of Shotgun Blow Dragon, a boss card released just over a week ago in VG-FC02:
Fighter's Collection 2014. Shotgun's Legion 20000 with the grade 2 Military Brawler Lisei fuses a Lisei from the deck to the vanguard circle, adding Lisei's power to Shotgun's own for a 20000 base during his fighter's turn, and when they Legion his counterblast 2 forces the opponent to retire two of their own rearguards. If Shotgun's field is greater than the opponent's immediately after the skill is activated, he also gets an extra critical. The Legion retire combos with Lisei and the grade 1 Ark's skills, both getting +3000 power for each rearguard retired during the turn to easily make a 28000-power rearguard lane together. Furthermore, the grade 2 Brawler Yousei automatically retires an opponent's frontrow rearguard for no cost when the vanguard Legions, destroying three fifths of the field with Shotgun Blow and further powering up Lisei and Ark.
Brawler, Skybeat Dragon. |
Although Shotgun Blow is the backbone of the deck, Skybeat Dragon from TD15:
Brawler of Friendship is also an important supporting element of it. Since Shotgun Blow can only effectively activate once, being able to ride over him with Skybeat if another copy of Shotgun isn't available is important, because riding over a Legioned vanguard will send both Legion pieces into the soul and put a new unit on the vanguard circle, allowing Legion to be activated again. This opens the door to Skybeat's Legion with Skyhowl Dragon being activated, and his on-Legion frontrow retire skill, effectively trading the Skybeat ridden for one of the opponent's frontrow rearguards. Rising Phoenix provides reliable synergy with this strategy since the two units sent into the soul from riding over a Legioned vanguard can then be soulblasted to draw a card with Phoenix's on-call skill, making for an aggressive and circular strategy that continually pushes the opponent down throughout the fight while keeping the Brawlers at a steady place in advantage above them.
It's very rare for trial deck cards to see immediate adoption in pro play without their corresponding booster set available, but the Brawlers' and Seeker's shared strength of not needing to be at limit break to use their skills has made them extremely compelling competitively. Only needing four cards in the drop zone to activate Legion promotes earlier guards and staying in the range of 2~3 damage rather than risk going to 4 early. Some have expressed trouble adjusting to the nascent format, and after two years under the 4 damage restriction many of the cardfighters competing today have never played in a world without limit break. The ability to drastically outspeed the likes of Nouvelle Vague and Raging Form is thus a crucial advantage, and these new builds are likely to totally eclipse their past Narukami and Royal counterparts with the release of
Legion of Dragons and Blades this Friday.
The first place team at Sapporo
won three Nintendo 3DS XLs, while second place won three boxes of VG-BT15:
Infinite Rebirth, and third place won three boxes of VG-EB10:
Divas Duet. In total 81 persons attended the tournament, divided into 27 teams of 3. Second place team "Over Maxi Boost" was composed of Revenger, Glendios and Brawler cardfighters, while third was made up of Nouvelle, Galaxy Blaukluger and Glendios fighters, and fourth by Nouvelle, Brawler and Glendios. You can jump directly to the Sapporo decklists by searching the page for
[2SVGCS] Overall Sapporo saw
81 participants, and a breakdown of the decks used by those cardfighters is available below.
Second Sapporo VGCS Deck Breakdown
13 ”Ω” Glendios
13 Nouvelle
9 Sacred Regalia
8 Revenger
6 Brawler
6 Pale Moon
4 Dragonic Overlord "The Яe-birth"
4 Blue Storm
3 Seeker
3 Bermuda △
3 Dimensional Robo
3 Blau
2 Liberator
1 Eradicator
1 Ezel
1 Dauntless Dominate Dragon "Я"
1 Seal Dragons
Seeker, Sacred Wingal. |
Over at the Hokusetsu VGCS, this team tournament was taken by Team Wild Hitter. While team forward Hokaze's Glendios and midfighter Yakan's Nouvelle are familiar, it's the captain Rinon's Seeker deck that is attracting the most attention. His build combines the trial deck cards with the 2014 Vanguard Festival promos and
Fighter's Collection 2014 support, focusing on a combination of hand conservation through traditional Royal Paladin superior call tactics, limited frontrow control and strong endgame field power boosts. Surprisingly, the build includes both the perfect defense card Iseult and the Quintent Wall Gloria, mixing them at 2-2. Previously Quintets were standardized at 0~1 in pro decks due to their comparative ineffectiveness versus the powerful extremes of the format, but for Legion decks the ability to instantly put 6 cards into the drop zone while denying an early game attack can mean near-instant setup of a game defining strategy. As limit break is not a concern for these builds and more emphasis is being placed on having a highly developed early to midgame, Quintets occupy a unique place in the new format as both the saving grace against going to high damage early and a utility role that potentially supersedes their importance as defense.
Much as the new Brawler decks are relying on mixing Castor from the Eradicators in to quickly fill the drop zone in the early game, Rinon's Seeker build uses four copies of Lake Maiden Lien and mixes in the Shadow Paladins' Arianrhod to capitalize on how card changing effectively supports Legion. The cheap counterblast 1 costs associated with the Seekers makes setting up Legion as fast as possible a priority, and the cards dropped for Lien and Arianrhod are no longer lost permanently thanks to Legion returning trigger units, making trigger units and Legion components like Blaster Blade Seeker and Combined Strength Seeker Locrinus ideal targets for card changing. The main strategy of the deck is to use Seeker Sacred Wingal with its first vanguard File; both of their skills activate when Wingal Legions to Blade Seeker, with File going into the soul at that time to superior call a Blade Seeker to the rearguard, where Sacred pays counterblast 1 to call a grade 2 or greater Seeker. Effectively, even if frontrow units aren't immediately accessible in hand, File and Sacred can together bring two frontrow cards out from the deck just by Legioning, and then with the two Blaster Blades' counterblasts can take out the opponent's entire front row.
Splitting, Seeker Brutus. |
The alternative grade 3, Splitting Seeker Brutus from
Fighter's Collection 2014, has a more distinct early game compared to Sacred Wingal; when placed on the vanguard circle he can counterblast 1 to search the deck for Locrinus and call it to the rearguard. His especial counterblast activates when he attacks the vanguard and has Legion, endowing four frontrow Seekers with +3000 power. Since the both halves of the Legion pair may be selected, this causes the vanguard lane to swing for 26000 power by itself, while the rearguard lanes attack in the range of 19~22000 boosted. Although not as combo heavy as the Brawlers, being able to reliably make both frontrow rearguards break the ~21000 line for counterblast 1 every turn makes Brutus a modern Soul Saver Dragon capable of a staggeringly strong endgame. Unlike Sacred Wingal, whose superior calls and potential double frontrow retire are strong plays at any part of the match, Brutus' field power bonus can fall flat in the early and middle of a fight where the opponent is starting the turn at low damage. Comparing preview cards from upcoming sets BT16 and EB10~11, Legion skills that are purely used for the endgame are already a rarity. Brutus is considered likely to be replaced by Thing Saver Dragon from BT16, a card already preordering for 3000 yen apiece (approx. $30 in US money) double the price of a Dragonic Nouvelle Vague.

Also of note is Sigma's Pale Moon deck in the lead of the second place team. Venus Luquier is a rare sight for professional play, as while she's an effective successor to the Luquier ”Я” that took last year's winter national championship, she's been generally overshadowed by the likes of Nouvelle Vague and the Revenger series. Sigma's approach to the deck dropped Silver Thorn Assistant Irina--often regarded as the crux of the Silver Thorns' soulcharging engine and a staple in their builds--in favor of Beast Tamer Ana's aggressive on-boost counterblast, using her in combination with the grade 2 Maricica to bring out an extra lane when their attack hits, with the potential to target Assistant Zelma for their skills and then swap Maricica into the soul to call out one more attacker. With the right combination of plays, these types of multiple attack chains will also power up Silver Thorn Upright Lion and the original Luquier herself. While modern Luquier has been typically thought of in terms of being a soul-derived advantage engine, these aggressive plays are a fresh and interesting approach to Silver Thorns. You can jump directly to the decklists by searching the page for
May BeNeLux Tournament [MBNL]
First Place: Ozan Fincan
Grade 0
x1 Star-vader, Dust Tail Unicorn (FV)
x4 Star-vader, Stellar Garage HT
x4 Star-vader, Scouting Ferris DT
x2 Star-vader, Nebula Captor DT
x4 Star-vader, Meteoliger CT
x2 Star-vader, Weiss Soldat CT
Grade 1
x3 Barrier Star-vader, Promethium
x2 Demonic Claw Star-vader, Lanthanum
x4 Prison Gate Star-vader, Palladium
x4 Mana Shot Star-vader, Neon
Grade 2
x3 Star-vader, Colony Maker
x3 Star-vader, Moebius Breath Dragon
x4 Unrivaled Star-vader, Radon
x3 Furious Claw Star-vader, Niobium
Grade 3
x1 Star-vader, Nebula Lord Dragon
x3 Star-vader, Infinite Zero Dragon
x3 Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon
Second Place: Daniel Gaillard
Grade 0
x1 Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu (FV)
x4 Worm Toxin Eradicator, Seiobo HT
x4 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
x2 Eradicator, Blue Gem Carbuncle DT
x2 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x4 Sacred Spear Eradicator, Pollux CT
Grade 1
x3 Eradicator, Wyvern Guard Guld
x2 Rising Phoenix
x4 Steel Blooded Eradicator, Shuki
x4 Eradicator, Demoliton Dragon
Grade 2
x4 Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-Ou
x1 Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan
x4 Eradicator, Spark Rain Dragon
x4 Eradicator, Thunder Boom Dragon
Grade 3
x4 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
x3 Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
Second Sapporo VGCS [2SVGCS]
First Place Team: ○るでぃがわからせる
Foreward: Dasukuro/だすくろ
Deck Name: Deck Descended of the Demonic Dragon 2014/魔竜降臨したデッキ 2014
Grade 0
x1 Red Pulse Dracokid (FV)
x4 Seal Dragon, Shirting HT
x4 Gattling Claw Dragon DT
x1 Seal Dragon, Artpique DT
x3 Demonic Dragon Mage, Abarara CT
x4 Seal Dragon, Biera CT
Grade 1
x2 Seal Dragon, Kersey
x4 Nouvelle Roman Dragon
x4 Seal Dragon, Rinocross
x3 Calamity Tower Wyvern
Grade 2
x4 Nouvelle Critique Dragon
x4 Berserk Dragon
x3 Dominate Drive Dragon
Grade 3
x4 Dauntless Drive Dragon
x1 Cruel Dragon
Grade 4
x4 Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
Midfighter: valdy (
Deck Name: Vowing Valdy Special 2014/ボーイングヴぁるでぃスペシャル 2014
Grade 0
x1 Spark Kid Dragoon (FV)
x4 Demonic Dragon Eradicator, Seiobo HT
x4 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
x2 Eradicator, Blue Gem Carbuncle DT
x2 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle CT
x4 Malevolent Djinn CT
Grade 1
x4 Eradicator Wyvern Guard, Guld
x4 Tonfa Wielding Brawler, Ark
x4 Rising Phoenix
x2 Eradicator of the True Flames, Castor
Grade 2
x4 Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon
x3 Military Brawler, Lisei
x3 Dragonic Deathscythe
x2 Brawler Youjin
Grade 3
x4 Brawler, Shotgun Blow Dragon
x3 Brawler, Skybeat Dragon
Captain: Northern Jewel/北の八坂 (
Kita no Yasakani)
Deck Name: Golembeat 2014/ゴーレムビート 2014
Grade 0
x1 Star-vader, World Line Dragon (FV)
x3 Star-vader, Meteo Liger CT
x4 Star-Vader, Weiss Soldat CT
x2 Star-vader, Scounting Ferris DT
x2 Star-vader, Nebula Captor DT
x1 Star-vader, Jailer Tail DT
x4 Star-vader, Stellar Garage HT
Grade 1
x4 Star-vader, Ruin Magician
x4 Barrier Star-vader, Promethium
x4 Taboo Star-vader, Rubidium
x2 Engraving Star-vader, Praseodymium
Grade 2
x4 Star-vader Magnet Hollow
x3 Star-vader, Colony Maker
Grade 3
x3 Star-vader, ”Ω” Glendios
x4 Star-vader, ”Я” Cradle
x1 Dauntless Dominate Draogn ”Я”
x1 Dragonic Overlord ”The Яebirth”
x1 Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier ”Я”
x1 Eradicator, Vowing Saber Dragon ”Я”
Second Place Team: Over Maxi Boost/マキシブースト終わった
Foreward: Buster/バスター
Deck Name: Shadow Paladin/シャドウパラディン
Grade 0
x2 Judgebau Revenger (FV)
x4 Healing Revenger HT
x4 Freezing Revenger DT
x4 Grim Revenger CT
x4 Revenger, Air Raid Dragon CT
Grade 1
x4 Dark Revenger, Mac Lir
x3 Self-control Revenger, Rakia
x2 Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
x1 Black-winged Sword Breaker
x2 Transient Revenger, Masquerade
Grade 2
x4 Nullity Revenger, Masquerade
x4 Overcoming Revenger, Lukea
x3 Wiles Revenger, Mana
Grade 3
x4 Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom
x4 Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Midfighter: Hide/ひで
Deck Name: Papparapaa/パッパラパー
Grade 0
x1 Star-vader, World Line Dragon (FV)
x4 Star-vader, Stellar Garage HT
x4 Star-vader, Meteoliger CT
x2 Star-vader, Weiss Soldat CT
x2 Star-vader, Scouting Felis DT
x4 Star-vader, Nebula Captor DT
Grade 1
x4 Barrier Star-vader, Promethium
x4 Star-vader, Ruin Magician
x1 Carved Seal Star-vader, Praseodymium
x4 Taboo Star-vader, Rubidium
Grade 2
x4 Star-vader, Magnet Hollow
x4 Star-vader, Colony Maker
Grade 3
x4 Star-vader, “Ω” Glendios
x4 Star-vader, “Я” Cradle
x1 Dragonic Overlord “The Яe-birth”
x1 Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier “Я”
x1 Eradicator, Vowing Saber Dragon “Я”
Captain: Shitarabakizoku/したらば貴族
Deck Name: 夏野こおりが好きだ
Grade 0
x1 Spark Kid Dragoon (FV)
x4 Brawler, Green Gem Carbuncle HT
x4 Malevolent Djinn CT
x4 Brawler, Dokouson DT
x4 Eradicator, Dragon Mage DT
Grade 1
x4 Wyvern Guard, Guld
x2 Tonfa Wielding Brawler, Ark
x4 Rising Phoenix
x4 Eradicator of the True Flames, Castor
Grade 2
x4 Brawler, Skyhowl Dragon
x3 Military Brawler, Lisei
x3 Brawler Youjin
x2 Dragonic Deathscythe
Grade 3
x4 Brawler, Shotgun Blow Dragon
x3 Brawler, Skybeat Dragon
First Hokusetsu VGCS [1HVGCS]
First Place Team: Wild Hitter/ワイルドヒッター
Forward: Hokaze/ほかぜ
Deck Name: Cute Deep Crimson (
Shinku Kawaii/真紅)
Grade 0
x1 Star-vader, World Line Dragon (FV)
x2 Star-vader, Spark Doll CT
x3 Star-Vader, Weiss Soldat CT
x2 Star-vader, Scounting Ferris DT
x3 Star-vader, Nebula Captor DT
x1 Star-vader, Jailer Tail DT
x4 Star-vader, Stellar Garage HT
Grade 1
x4 Star-vader, Ruin Magician
x4 Barrier Star-vader, Promethium
x3 Taboo Star-vader, Rubidium
x4 Engraving Star-vader, Praseodymium
Grade 2
x4 Star-vader Magnet Hollow
x2 Star-vader, Colony Maker
Grade 3
x3 Star-vader, ”Ω” Glendios
x4 Star-vader, ”Я” Cradle
x1 Dauntless Dominate Draogn ”Я”
x1 Ice Prison Dark Lord, Cocytus ”Я”
x1 Deadliest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster ”Я”
x1 Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier ”Я”
x1 Covert Demonic Dragon, Hyakki Vogue ”Я”
x1 Maiden of Venus Trap ”Я”
x1 Eradicator, Vowing Saber Dragon ”Я”
Midfighter: Yakan/やかん
Deck name: Cute Luna-sama (
Runa-sama Kawaii) ルナ様かわいい
Grade 0
x1 Red Pulse Dracokid (FV)
x2 Blue-ray Dracokid CT
x1 Embodiment of Spear, Tahr CT
x4 Dragon Dancer, Barbara HT
x2 Gattling Claw Dragon DT
x1 Dragon Dancer, Monica DT
x3 Seal Dragon, Artpique DT
x2 Seal Dragon, Biera CT
Grade 1
x4 Nouvelle Roman Dragon
x4 Dragon Dancer, Maria
x4 Calamity Tower Wyvern
x1 Diable Drive Dragon
Grade 2
x4 Nouvelle Critique Dragon
x4 Berserk Dragon
x3 Dominate Drive Dragon
Grade 3
x4 Dauntless Drive Dragon
x1 Dragonic Overlord (BT15/004)
Grade 4
x4 Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague
Captain: Rinon/りのん
Deck Name: Stomachache (Itsuu/胃痛)
Grade 0
x1 Advance Party Seeker, File (FV)
x4 Certain Kill Seeker, Modron CT
x4 Bringer of Good Luck, Epona CT
x4 Messegal Seeker DT
x4 Seeker, Loving Healer HT
Grade 1
x2 Flash Shield, Iseult
x2 Summoning Jewel Knight, Gloria
x4 Good Faith Seeker, Cynric
x4 Lake Maiden, Lien
x1 Witch of Nostrum, Arianrhod
x1 Seeker of the Right Path, Gangalen
Grade 2
x4 Blaster Blade, Seeker
x4 Full Bloom Seeker, Cerdic
x3 Combined Strength Seeker, Locrinus
Grade 3
x4 Seeker, Sacred Wingal
x4 Splitting Seeker, Brutus
Second Place Team: 24 Year-old VG Fighters/24歳、VGファイターです
Forward: Sigma/シグマ
Deck Name: Pale Moon/ペイルムーン
Grade 0
x1 Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Emil (FV)
x4 Silver Thorn Barking Dragon CT
x2 Dynamite Juggler CT
x4 Poison Juggler CT
x2 Silver Thorn Marionette, Natasha DT
x4 Silver Thorn Juggler, Nadia HT
Grade 1
x4 Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Ana
x4 Silver Thorn Assistant, Zelma
x4 Silver Thorn Hypnos, Lydia
x2 Silver Thorn Breathing Dragon
Grade 2
x4 Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Maricica
x4 Silver Thorn Rising Dragon
x3 Silver Thorn Upright Lion
Grade 3
x4 Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier
x3 Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier
x1 Miracle Pop, Eva
Midfighter: Daigo (TL note; the cardfighter's name is written with the kanji for "Enormous Mistake" 大誤 read phonetically as "Daigo.")
Deck Name: Bermuda △
Grade 0
x1 PRISM-Smile, Coro (FV)
x4 Heartful Ale, Fundy DT
x4 Duo Gran Pasturn, Syanon CT
x4 Duo Pride Crown, Madeira CT
x4 Duo Tropical Healer, Mejelda HT
Grade 1
x4 Duo Afternoon Tea, Parana
x3 Apprentice Idol, Karen
x3 Mermaid Idol, Felucca
x4 PRISM-Duo Aria
Grade 2
x4 Duo Mini Hat, Rhone
x4 Duo Kelpie Jockey, Syrdarya
x3 Duo White Ice Crystal, Rikka
Grade 3
x4 Duo Temptation, Ried
x4 Duo True Sister, Mare
Captain: Kakao
Deck Name: Kagerou
Grade 0
x1 Red Pulse Dracokid (FV)
x2 Blue-ray Dracokid CT
x2 Embodiment of Spear, Tahr CT
x1 Lizard Soldier, Goraha CT
x1 Demonic Dragon Mage, Abarara CT
x1 Dragon Monk, Genjo HT
x1 Dragon Dancer, Therese HT
x1 Seal Dragon, Sharting HT
x1 Dragon Dancer, Barbara HT
x4 Gattling Claw Dragon DT
x1 Seal Dragon, Artpique DT
x1 Seal Dragon, Biera CT
Grade 1
x4 Nouvelle Roman Dragon
x2 Dragon Dancer, Maria
x1 Wyvern Guard, Barri
x1 Seal Dragon, Rinocross
x3 Calamity Tower Wyvern
x3 Dragon Monk, Gojo
Grade 2
x4 Nouvelle Critique Dragon
x4 Berserk Dragon
x2 Dragonic Burnout
Grade 3
x3 Dauntless Drive Dragon
x2 Dragonic Overlord (BT15/004)
Grade 4
x4 Transcendence Dragon, Dragonic Nouvelle Vague