- Oracle Think Tank dropped off for the first time, 42.22% → 37.50%.
- Royal Paladin is continuing to rise, 22.22% → 27.08%.
- Nova Grappler and Kagerou are seemingly stabilizing at ~10% and ~25%.
- We have participation numbers for 15 of these tournaments, the high being 36 and the low 5.
- This is out of 48 reported results, 3 more than the preceding week.
Full cumulative results for this month are being compiled.
Royal Paladin
Total: 13
Trading Card Shop Johnny (9 participants)
TCG Shop Phase (9 participants)
- Turnout was 4 Royal Paladin 2 Oracle Think Tank 2 Kagerou 1 Nova Grappler
Card Labo Koufu (5 participants)
TCG Cave flagship store (13 participants)
WonderGOO Onohama (8 participants)
- Runner-up was Oracle Think Tank
Total: 12
(Note that we have a video of the finals)
Hobby Station Yellow Submarine Akihabara (11 participants)
Card Shop Sakura (11 participants)
Hobby Station Kawagoe (15 participants)
- Turnout was 5 Royal Paladin 4 Kagerou 3 Oracle Think Tank 3 Nova Grappler
Fullcomp Ikebukuro (6 participants)
Oracle Think Tank
Total: 18
Card Labo Takasaki (13 participants)
Dragon Star Haruki (5 participants)
Card Kingdom Mizonokuchi (8 participants)
Nova Grappler
Total: 5
TCG Champion Konan (5 participants)
TCG Park Hamanishi (7 participants)