
First TraCaider VGCS
May 26th, 2018 (Day after V-BT01 launch)
Participants: 64
Entry fee: 1000 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 11:20 PM
Sponsored by card shop TraCaider, Matsuyama branch. The preliminaries will consist of 5 rounds of best-of-one Swiss pairings, followed by a 4-round tournament bracket to decide the champion. The first round of Swiss will begin at 11:20 PM, with the top cut starting at 2:30 PM. Swiss rounds will be 20 minutes each, followed by 40 minutes best-of-three for the tournament finals.
During the preliminary rounds hitting time will result in a double loss, while in the top cut fighters will be allotted a total of 4 extra turns beginning with the current turn player, and at the end of those four turns the player with less damage wins. If there is still a tie at the end of those four turns, it will go to sudden death, and any change in damage after resolving triggers will decide the winner.
First place will win four booster boxes of V-Booster Set 01: UNITE! TEAM Q4, second place three boxes, third place two, fourht place one, and the rest of the top 8 along with the other participants will receive a participation prize in the form of a discount at Card Shop TraCaider.
A sub-event held on-site will see players competing for a booster box, with an entry fee of 500 yen.
Cardfight!! Vanguard May Exchange Meeting at shop BM ZERO
May 26th, 2018
Participants: 30
Entry fee: None
Round 1 start time: 2:00 PM
Organized by Taka of card shop Big Magic Zero. The tournament will consist of 3 rounds of best-of-one Swiss pairings lasting 25 minutes each, with a 5 minute interval between. There will be no top cut; the awards ceremony will begin at 3:30 PM. The new G Assist and redraw/mulligan will be implemented, and explained before the tournament. Fighters are not allowed to surrender.
Nighttime Vanguard Meetup
May 26th, 2018
Participants: 16
Entry fee: 500 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 8:00 PM
Organized by Bchan. Reception begins at 6:00 PM, with round 1 starting at 8:00 PM. All-you-can-drink soft drinks provided.
4 rounds of Swiss, winner gets 2 sleeves and a shop tournament WINNER promotional card. Four other participants will be chosen by lottery to receive prizes; WINNER cards for 2, and sleeves for 2, with no overlap in prize distribution.
JuneFirst SukaCat CS
June 3rd, 2018
Participants: 126 (42 teams of 3)
Entry fee: 4500 yen/team
Round 1 start time: 12:00 PM
This is the first entry in the rebooted SukaCat Championships, a long line of Vanguard Championships dating back to January 2015; the only continuously-running VGCS older than it is the Kansai VGCS, which goes back to January 2014 and passed through its 20th iteration late last year.
The tournament will consist of 4 rounds of 30 minute best-of-one match Swiss pairings, followed by a cut to a 3-round tournament bracket with 60-minute best-of-three matches for the finals.
First place will receive 12 boxes of V-Booster Set 01: UNITE! TEAM Q4, as well as three playmats exclusive to the Sukacat VGCS, and three Pongal promotional cards featuring the shop tournament winner gold foiling.
Second place will receive 6 boxes of V-BT01, and three Sukacat VGCS playmats.
Third place will receive 3 boxes of V-BT01.
Fourth place will receive 1 box of V-BT01.
All participating teams will receive 3 copies of the High Dog Breeder Seiran promo.
10th KitoKito Cup
June 3rd, 2018
Participants: 64
Entry fee: 1000 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 2:00 PM
Organized by KitoKito CS, oriented towards new fighters. 5 rounds of Swiss pairings followed by a 3-round tournament bracket. Round 1 will begin at 2:00 PM, top cut will begin at 4:50 PM. The entire tournament will use best-of-one 25-minute rounds.
First place will win 2 boxes of V-Booster Set 01: UNITE! TEAM Q4, second place one box, third and fourth place 8 packs, and the rest of top 8 will receive 4 packs.
Sub-events will include an 8-person Standard-format "mini-tournament" with a 500 yen entry fee, where participants will compete for a box of V-BT01, and a Premium Standard format mini-tournament under the same conditions.
4th Fukuoka VG Women's Tournament
June 3rd, 2018
Participants: 30
Entry fee: 700 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 10:30 AM
Only women may participate. The staff are also all-female.
2nd Inaba VGCS
June 10th, 2018
Participants: 84
Entry fee: 1500 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 12:20 PM
5 rounds of best-of-one Swiss pairings, followed by a cut to top 16. Top cut will be 3 rounds best-of-three tournament bracket. Each preliminary round is 30 minutes long, and each round of the top cut is 1 hour.
Vanguard Standard x Preyz Cup
June 17th, 2018
Participants: 32
Entry fee: 1000 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 1:20 PM
Sponsored by Card Shop Preyz. 6-round best-of-one tournament bracket. (No Swiss, no top cut.) Tournament finals will be a best-of-three match with unlimited time.
First, second, third and fourth place will win a box of V-Booster Set 01: UNITE! TEAM Q4. All participants will be entered in a Preyz shop raffle as a participation prize.
JulyAoba VGCS
July 1st, 2018
Participants: 64
Entry fee: None
Round 1 start time: 11:00 AM
5 rounds of Swiss pairings, followed by a cut to top 16. Swiss rounds are 25 minutes best-of-one each, tournament rounds are 50 minutes best-of-three.
First place wins two boxes of V-EB01: The Destructive Roar and a discount ticket for 5000 yen at the Seagull Single.
Second place wins two boxes of V-EB01 and a 3000 yen discount ticket at Seagull Single.
Third place wins a 1000 yen discount ticket at Seagull Single.
Fourth place wins a 500 yen discount ticket at Seagull Single.
1st TriCri VGCS
July 7th, 2018
Participants: 96 (32 3-man teams)
Entry fee: 4500 yen/person
Round 1 start time: 11:30 AM
4 preliminary best-of-one 30-minute rounds followed by a cut to top 8 teams. Top 8 will consist of a 3-round tournament bracket, 50 minutes each round, best-of-three for each team member.
Team member clans may not overlap.
First place wins three Amazon gift cards worth 15000 yen, and free entry into the 2nd TriCri VGCS, or a box of V-EB02: Champions of the Asia Circuit.
Second place wins three Amazon gift cards worth 5000 yen, and free entry into the 2nd TriCri VGCS, or a box of V-EB02.
Third place wins 3 boxes of V-EB01.
Fourth place wins 2 boxes of V-EB01.
July 8th, 2018
Participants: 38
Entry fee: 1000 yen/player, high school students and younger can enter for just 500 yen
Round 1 start time: 11:20 AM
Sponsored by Cardplace. 4 rounds of Swiss pairings followed by a 3-round cut to top 16. Swiss rounds will be 25 minutes best-of-one, while the top cut will be 50 minutes best-of-three.
First place wins 5 boxes of V-EB01: The Destructive Roar.
Second place wins 2 box of V-EB01.
Third place wins three Vanguard character sleeves of their choice.
Fourth place wins three Vanguard character sleeves of their choice.
The participation prize is a foil trigger pack provided by Bushiroad, either Heal or Critical depending.